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How Writing Poetry Enriches Prose

How Writing Poetry Enriches Prose

I once heard a fiction writer quip, “Are poets really writers?” I imagine she had never tried her hand at crafting a sestina or sonnet. It’s not as easy as she might think.

Several weeks ago, I was featured in Writer’s Digest’s Poetic Asides. Robert Lee Brewer has a series called  “Why I Write Poetry.” There’s a word limit so I didn’t get to the part about how writing poetry deepens and enhances writing prose.

Writers can learn as much from Keats, Jonson, and Frost as a webinar on plot or setting or a workshop on characterization. I would even say, writers could learn more. If they could only get past the stigma of believing that poetry is stuffy or silly or impersonal.


Good poetry offers a new perspective on life, empathy for your experiences, summarizes a belief, previews a future, cleanses your pain, gleans from the ancients, wears the sands of time, holds hands with the heavens, and breaks bread with the simple folk as well as the heavily laden. Poetry serves you.

Even if it isn’t eloquent or delicate, is has the potential to reach through the inked pages or screen and touch you. At first, you will not know why. You must peal away the layers to be blessed with the richness of the cadence of words. Prose should do that too.


Staring at a blank Word document or a sheet of paper and free writing whatever your heart spills, is simplistic. Puzzling those pieces into a quatrain of iambic pentameter is a thing of beauty and brings many a poet to her knees. If you don’t respect the genre, it won’t respect you back and your writing will suffer from lack of esteem or value. Same goes for prose.


It doesn’t demand. It flirts. It coddles you. It is a secret message that was written personally to you. It reaches inside you and breathes for you when you can’t. Poetry is okay with not being the star of writing genres. It knows its own worth and waits for writers to listen and learn its charms and sage advice. Savor it. Prose can be equally alluring. Learn to sit with the words you write on a page and ask if it is written to take from the reader or give to the reader.


A stuffy fiction writer is stuck on rules. Poetry teaches her how to play by the rules and then like the rebel it is, it guides her onto a new path. It shows her how to turn the corner without stumbling. And then it woes her to the open dazzling fields of motion, technique, style, and voice.


In poetry, words serve more than one purpose. Because poetic forms often have word limits, poets learn to choose their words wisely. Each word must not only express meaning, each must enhance pacing, balance, tone, and prosody. (I love that word.)

You don’t have to shell out your pennies to read great poetry. Here are a few links to get you started:

Poets and Writers

Poetry Foundation

Academy of American Poets

America’s First Feminist Literary Warrior

America’s First Feminist Literary Warrior

A pithy history lesson

History books (and the internet) would have you believe that America’s first feminists were women in the 1800s. Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott.

I beg to differ.

My vote goes to Anne Bradstreet (March 20, 1612 – September 16, 1672.)


What are you Reading?

What are you Reading?

Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.
P. J. O Rourke


So, what are you reading?

People who love to read love to surround themselves with books because books are, after all, our friends. And generally, we love our friends.

But, if the company we keep influences who we are, then can the same be said for the books we read?

When I was in college, a friend contemplated my treasured books on the shelves in my dorm room. I asked him what he thought. He said, “I think you are confused.”

I’m not sure if he meant that my vast interests made me seem schizophrenic or if he had a distaste for poetry or Danielle Steel. Or maybe as readers we’re all a little batty because we enjoy reading everything and anything for reading’s sake.

“Ink, a Drug.”

(Vladimir Nabokov, Bend Sinister)

Like a drug is right. Reading ink, inhaling ink, writing with it, playing with words-on paper or digitally. What fun! (and work)

Here are a few books I’m reading right now:

I’m a fan of Maeve Binchy. She writes down to the bones always keeping the plot and characterization in movement. In this nonfiction book, she tackles everything from finding your writing voice to finding an editor to writing short stories, etc. Lots of great info.

I try to read only one novel at a time (recovering fiction addict.) This novel focuses on a family dealing with their mom’s dementia. I’m in the middle of this journey with my mom. Quite apropos.

  • 5 Editors Tackle The 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing by C.S. Lakin, Linda S. Clare, Christy Distler, Robin Patchen, and Rachel Starr Thomson

This one isn’t out yet. I’m reviewing it for the authors. I can tell you, it is one you’ll want to get. They give examples of poor writing and then show how an editor would fix the errors. Look for it in December.

Not sure if I died today if I’d look good with these books in my hands. But, I think these represent me. Today anyway. A little too boring? Probably. But, next month I might be reading some dead guy or gal or a current dystopian novel or historical fiction or a thrilling bio. That’s what’s great about being a reader. We have lots of interests. Lots of friends between the covers.

So, how about you? What books are on your lap? (or next to your dog?)